Join The Neighborhood: An Urban Center for Jewish Life and Jewish Book Council for a conversation between Peter Orner (Still No Word From You) and Sara Lippmann (Lech) about memory, inherited memory, and the persistent coexistence of past and present in the Jewish literary imagination. The discussion will be moderated by Melissa Kirsch, deputy editor at The New York Times.
Peter Orner is the author of two novels, three short story collections, and two works of creative nonfiction, and has edited three collected works of oral history. Orner’s fiction and non-fiction has appeared in the New York Times, the Atlantic Monthly, Granta, The Paris Review, The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, The Southern Review, Ploughshares and many other publications. Stories have been anthologized in Best American Stories and twice received a Pushcart Prize. He has been awarded the Rome Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Academy in Rome, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and a two-year Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship. He’s also received a California Book Award, the Goldberg Prize for Jewish Writing and has been a finalist for the Pen/ Hemingway Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Award, and the Northern California Book Award. In 2017-2018, Peter was a Fulbright U.S. Scholar in Namibia where he taught at the University of Namibia. He is the director of English literature and Creative Writing at Dartmouth College where he is also a professor and lives in Norwich, VT with his family. His latest book, Still No Word From You is out in paperback from Catapult this fall.
Sara Lippmann is the author of the novel Lech and the story collections Doll Palace and Jerks. Her fiction has been honored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, and her essays have appeared in The Millions, The Washington Post, Catapult, The Lit Hub and elsewhere. With Seth Rogoff, she is co-editing the anthology Smashing the Tablets: Radical Retellings of the Hebrew Bible for SUNY Press. She is a founding member of the Writing Co-Lab, a teaching cooperative, and lives with her family in Brooklyn.
Melissa Kirsch is the deputy editor of Culture and Lifestyle at The New York Times and writes The Morning newsletter on Saturdays. She is the author of the book “The Girl’s Guide.”